For Submitters: How It Works
This page describes the interface and process for someone creating or editing a submission in the Review Star system. If you have been asked to use Review Star to submit your artist application, speaking proposal, award nomination, writing sample (or anything!) this page is for you.
Getting Started
In order to submit your information to Review Star, you begin by clicking a link. This link could be anywhere - on a website, in an email, on a social media post. Somehow or another, you will have received a link to the submission form, and clicked it.
This opens the submission form. You can see all of the questions right on that page. You won't need to create a login, and you won't need to click through multiple pages to see all of the questions. Review the form to determine what information you'll need to provide.

Submit Your Information
Every submission requires an email address. Be sure you enter this correctly, because you will receive a copy of the material you submitted via emails. You may also receive important communication from the program admin regarding your submission. So make sure your email address is correct.
The rest of the questions will vary, depending on the needs of the program collecting the information. There will probably be a combination of short and long text fields, some multiple choice responses, and one or more file uploads. Be sure you review the questions before you start entering your information, so you can be sure you have all of the necessary information. It may be helpful to compose longer answers elsewhere (e.g., in a Word doc) and then copy/paste them into the appropriate fields in the form.

Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*). Longer forms are typically grouped in sections, and can be expanded or collapsed to simplify the process of completing and reviewing your form.
Once you have completed all required fields, click the blue "Submit" button at the bottom of the page. If you missed any fields, you will be alerted. If your submission is sent successfully, you will see a confirmation message on the screen.
Editing Your Submission
To edit your submission, you need to create an account. After creating your submission, you should receive an email confirmation with a copy of your information. There is a link at the top of that email which takes you to the submitter login page. The first time you visit that login page, use the New Users "Set Password" green button. Click the button and follow the prompts.
After you have created and confirmed your account, log in to view the Submitter Dashboard. The dashboard shows a list of submissions you have created in the system. If you have submitted to multiple programs using the same email address, they will all be listed.

Click your submission Title (blue link) to view the submission details. To edit information in your submission, look for the pencil icons on the right side, and click the one you wish to change. If submissions are closed, you can view the information you submitted, but you cannot change it. (The pencil icons will not appear.) If you still wish to make changes at that point, you will need to contact your program admin.

If your program is using Follow-Up Forms (multiple sets of questions for one submission) you will see them listed as tabs across the top. Click the tab you wish to modify.

If you wish to cancel your submission and have it removed from the system, click the red "Cancel This Submission" button. This initiates the cancellation process by sending a notification to your program admin.
Will I receive a copy of my submission?
Yes, a copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you entered in the form. Be sure it is correct!
Can I edit my submission?
As long as submissions are still being collected, you can edit your submission see the section above (Editing your Submission) for instructions on creating a login and updating your submission.
Once submissions have closed, you will need to contact your program to request changes to your submission.
Can I cancel my submission?
Yes, log in to your submitter dashboard (see above) and look for the red "Cancel My Submission" button for the submission you wish to cancel.
Can I change my email address?
Contact your program admin to request an email address change.
When will I be notified?
The timeline varies for different programs, so contact your program admin for information on the timeline for review and selection.
Do I need to create a login?
You do not need a login to create a submission. However, if you wish to edit your submission you will need to create a login. See the email confirmation you receive with your submission for a link or click here.