City Festivals


Public Events Managers
Neighborhood Leaders
Small Business Sponsors


Masters of Ceremony
Neighborhood Businesses


Coffee Shops
Industry-Sponsored Venues
Religious Spaces

Why Review Star?

We offer the tools to effortlessly gather all your partner information in one intuitive dashboard.

Audience Goals

Community Engagement/Celebration
Collective Activism

Review Star helps you get your community out and active. Whether your event engages thousands or dozens, Review Star works where you are. You can easily connect with your partners and groups and have all their own information in an easy-to-use dashboard. Your data is securely stored in the cloud and may be accessed and exported at any point.

Review Star helps you take your event to the next level. Reach out to us to request a demo, or get started right away and try it free. Once you’re logged in, our Knowledge Base guides will help familiarize you with our intuitive event management software.

If this doesn’t sound like you, or you’d like to check out more Event Types, click here.